
The easiest and recommended way to install xagg is through conda or mamba:

# Mamba
mamba install -c conda-forge xagg==

# Conda
conda install -c conda-forge xagg==

xagg can also be installed through pip:

pip install xagg

though certain depencies may not be available.

Optional dependencies

If using weights grids to add another weight layer to the aggregation (e.g., weighting raster data additionally by population density), we recommend installing xesmf, which is required for xagg to perform regridding if the weight and raster grids are not equal. xesmf must be installed manually, since its dependencies are not available through pip (and conda does not support installing optional dependencies):

mamba install -c conda-forge xesmf

If wanting to create diagnostic figures using weightmap.diag_fig(), matplotlib, cartopy, and cmocean are additionally required. We recommend installing them through conda or mamba:

mamba install -c conda-forge matplotlib cartopy cmocean

They can be also installed using pip

pip install xagg[plots]